Put your general knowledge and your reflection skills to the test in Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? – New Edition, the official game for PlayStation 5!
Gather all your knowledge and get the jackpot while avoiding all the tricky questions facing you: re-live the suspenseful ambiance of the Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? TV show!
With 15 questions to answer, it will become harder and harder for the player to increase the prize fund: over 8,000 themed questions waiting to be answered (geographic, science, history, but also entertainment or arts), a growing difficulty while making progress and the pressure from the audience and the host
Official music and sound effects, country-dedicated sets, and host behaviour all the ingredients are here to put the player under pressure and experience the real TV show!
- Answer correctly to 15 questions in a row to increase your fund and win the maximum gain! Unlock questions packs by collecting Neurons in practicing and playing solo or with friends.
- Select the themes to practice and train on special sessions to improve your general knowledge and increase the odds of winning the jackpot.
- The game offers a complete multiplayer experience with various and unseen game modes: Family mode, Cooperative, Taking Turns, Free-For-All and Battle Royale, to play up to 10 in LAN and up to 100 online!
- The Family mode has been specially created with child-tailored questions included, for the players to play as a family no matter how old they are.
- In the Cooperative mode, team up with up to 3 other players and gather to give the right answer together.
- In the Taking Turns mode, compete with up to 9 other players in LAN by sharing the controller: make a single mistake and you lose
- The Free-For-All mode consists in answering the most questions in a row to earn bonus points: the one with the largest number of points in the end will win!
- Finally, the Battle Royale mode is here to make you compare your general knowledge with up to 99 other players online: the last man standing will be the champion!
- The game is also playable with the Fast & the No Timer modes, allowing you to play without the host commentaries and/or the 30 second timer: perfect for families to play!
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