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Akiba’s Beat – PS4

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In the videogame heartland of Tokyo the delusions of otaku are coming to life – threatening the vey fabric of reality. As a good-for-nothing geek, you must take to the streets and battle the imaginations of the citizens of the legendary Akihabara district in this hyper-stylish, urban JRPG.

  • Realtime battle system similar to the ‘Tales of’ series
  • Build a team of friends – all with unique skill-sets and enter the minds of the delusional
  • Imaginative dungeon worlds based on the delusions of other – from music fans to Idol obsessives
  • Customise your crew with clothes and accessories bough from stores in Akihabara
  • Explore Akihabara in a perfectly mapped 1:1 version of this legendary discrict
  • Incredible art and animation with characters brought to life using 2D Live
  • Combine special and normal attacks in time to the music for increased damage
  • Save your most powerful attacks for the chorus for massive damage!
  • Create your own custom weapons from hundereds of items gathered across the town